Finding the glow through the storm

Do you believe you have a guardian angel?

Perhaps its a loved one who has left this world but protecting you from another?

Maybe you have a feeling or a sense of warmth around you, in times when you feel you need it the most?

There is something to be said for finding or listening to our spirituality.  I feel our spirituality finds us when we are open to the idea that there is more in the universe waiting for us.

I haven’t always listened to my inner spirituality, in fact there would have been a time I would have laughed. I did when I was told that I chose my parents in my late teens.  Almost 20 years later I am not laughing I am looking at my surroundings for signs or communication from a grace greater than me.

My spirituality started by being baptized in Catholicism, so I feel I have always had faith, but as I have grown that faith has continued to evolve as I have.

Today Mother Nature lashed out and served us one hell of an intense but swift storm.

I had to duck out for a medical appointment and was in and out fairly quick. I thought ‘you beauty the universe is aligning forme’.

As I hopped into the car and turned the radio on, the warning for the severe Thunderstorms was fast approaching.

So, I decided I had to get my car to an undercover park and was lucky to find one. As I was walking back to work, the wind and rain started to pick up. My pigtail took flight and was pointing to the sky. The wind was pushing me as I felt like I was walking horizontal.

An elderly man was on his push bike and told him to head for undercover near my work.

As I was crossing the road about 150M when lighting hit a street light and it exploded.

Fireworks. A crunch that vibrated down my back.

I’d like to say I said Fudge, but it was another F-word that escaped my mouth as I ran as fast as I could through the doors of work.

At the end of the stairs. My heart was racing, you know the feeling where you think it is going to jump out of your mouth?

I held my chest. And there I felt it this warm feeling I was not alone. I am not sure if it was the rain that made the hair on my skin stand up. But I can’t deny the sense of peace that fell upon me.

A couple hours later when the storm passed, I thought back to the minutes as I made my way through the beginnings of the storm.

Like many storms it is eerie, there is an apocalyptic quality that can encapsulate you.  During that time of making my way indoors, I felt that eerie feeling, but I also felt protected, that I knew I would get to safety.


I don’t know if it was my guardian angel who has been there in other life moments, or it was the faith I had that I will be okay.

Maybe it was my desire and pace to make it to safety the adrenaline of stress and the balance of my inner spirituality kicking in.

Either way I felt an aura of protection.

I am not sure what form the protection was, but I believe it was there guiding me to shelter.



Big Love


Fallon xoxo