Like sands through the hourglass....

Time is of the essence.

Time has a magical way of showing us what really matters.

This week I read a very poignant post; it was about being careful not to loan what you may need back.

It wasn’t money, but our time, our energy and vibrations.

Lately I have been thinking of time and how I and others can sometimes see it as a negative, a chore, something we will always have.

I often say that time is our most valuable commodity, it is worth more than all the gold, more beautiful than any diamond and is fleeting, making it more precious.

We think we have all the time in the world. We spend much of our time waiting - waiting for things to be better, to earn more money, get that promotion, lose those extra kilograms or take that holiday.

Somedays I think back to my life and feel I wasted so much time, thinking “Things will be better when…”

But when, never really comes, it sails past, out of reach, heading towards the horizon.

Many times, I have waited for when instead of celebrating the now.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.

So why is it, we worry more about how the gift of life is wrapped, what ribbons, bells and whistles it has, rather than unwrapping it and taking the gift and making the most of it?

Yes, life gets busy, but why does it take us so long to understand, that time waits for no one.

It is not about wearing a badge of busy, rather it is about, taking those small moments in between life to appreciate what a gift it truly is.

Everyday I try to look to the sky, appreciate the beauty, take a deep breath and say thank you. Sometimes it is the Willy Wagtails on my fence, I say G’day too, or it is kitchen dancing with my kids, hugging my mum, sneaking a pash with my husband or video calls with my sisters.

Small moments, create the big picture. It is what we do every day that helps us understand how to count each grain of sand in the hourglass.  It all adds up.

So how will you fill your hourglass?

Will you wait for when or celebrate the now?

We always have a choice. It is one of humankind’s greatest power, that often is forgotten.

At the end of the day we choose how we spend our time; what energy we put into the world and what vibrations we want to put out into the universe.


Big Love

Fallon xoxo


