To bloom in the garden of adversity...

In the months prior to Leading Ladies I went through some pretty significant upheavals, adversity was starring directly into my eyes. Many personal challenges surrounding my family and life in general.

I was so proud of the event on Saturday, but instead of feeling elated, I was more relieved that I had survived, that I made it to the finish line.

A mentor and friend of mine pointed out to me when she asked how I was feeling about the event, and I said I could have done better. She said. ‘You are underestimating yourself, considering the personal challenges in your life the past few months’.


The tears rolled down my face. I nodded and said thank you ‘I needed to hear that’.   

I am one of those people who never think they are enough, always trying to be better then I was before.  And while there is something admirable in wanting to be better, the passion and purpose, thinking I am not enough is absolute BS.

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One day is ceremonial, 364 days is revolutionary...

I support and encourage women to share their voices and stories, but why do we need one day to talk about the issues and rights of women?

Is it so we are quiet for the other 364 days of the year?

Respecting women, uplifting women, seeing women as equals, as leaders, as more than their sex, believing in us, appreciating who we are as HUMANS has to be the reality and making these changes every single day is how we move into the future.

One day is ceremonial, 364 days is revolutionary.

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Speaking up and stopping the cycle. Period.

WHEN is it okay to say to a woman, “Women have a scent when they are on their period. You can just smell them and you know you have to steer clear of them”. Yes, a man said this to my face. In fact, he said it to my sister as well while we were waiting for our lunch order. Let’s say it turned me off my food and got me pretty revved up. I was so mad by the following conversation it has taken me a week to actually think about how to write this blog.

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