Ain't no hood like Motherhood

Kirsten Sanfilippo is a mum to her daughter Kacey and shares her Motherhood story with JSP

What is Motherhood, in your own words?  

Deep explainable love that is both exhausting but amazing.

What is the best lesson you have learned since becoming a Mum?

 I am a good mum, even when I am struggling. I am all the mum my daughter needs.

What was the first year of Motherhood like for you?  

I can’t remember a lot of it, I look back and realise I was probably struggling a little bit as I didn’t leave the couch a lot but the support of my husband helps a lot. I felt I rushed back to work when she was 9 months old to try ‘fix’ how I was feeling but it made me feel guilty for a few weeks before I started to feel better.

What do you love about being a mum?

Having someone who loves and admires me even on my worst days.

How do you handle the stresses and struggles of being a mum?  

With alcohol haha and a psychologist. Kacey has put me through a lot of stress and struggles with her childhood cancer diagnosis but I know we are stronger for it and she has come away with an amazing strength and determination that will help her grow into an amazing human.

Do you remember the day you became a Mum, what did it feel like?

I was terrified, more so when we were released from hospital nearly a week later. How was I going to keep this tiny person alive?

What did your Mum teach you about being a Mum?

 Unconditional love and strength.

What gives you the most joy besides your little love?

 My husband, doing anything just the 3 of us.

What are your tips/advice for other Mamas out there?

Mum guilt is relentless, don’t let it take up too much of your brain. You are doing an amazing job.
